Anyone who says they never once felt bored or sleepy when they are in the office are either new to the job or lying. It is true, and anybody who has ever worked 8 to 5 (with the usual overtime) will agree that even with a good night’s sleep, it is not unusual for them to feel ready for a nap and it’s just noon!
We believe everyone would like to know what they can do to stay alert and productive without having a caffeine fix every so often. That’s why we have rounded up some tips on how you can stay awake at work all day the natural way.
Get Out of the Office
Perhaps it’s the continuous chatter around you, the lulling buzz of the air conditioner, the lighting, or just the overall mood of the office that’s taking a toll on you. It will do you good to have a quick break and spend it walking outside. Breathe in some fresh air. No matter what kind of weather it is, just the simple change of scenery will surely perk you up.
Have a Snack
Munching on something can wake you up, so if you feel like you’re about to doze off, go ahead and have a snack! However, that doesn’t mean you should go for a sugary or carb-filled snack. It’s better to pack fruits or protein-rich food.
Get Moving
Don’t worry that your colleagues will think you’re strange (they probably do, anyway!) If you need to feel awake real quick, you should work on elevating your heartbeat. Do a set or two of jumping jacks or squats, run up and down the stairs, and even doing some neck or upper body stretches is helpful too. It doesn’t matter what it is you do, so long as you do something active.
Chill (Literally!)
A brisk awakening is not so bad, especially if fluffy sheep keep popping in your head. Splash some cold water on your face. You can also drink ice cold water. Add extra zing using lemon. You can also try applying ice against your temples.
Laugh It Off!
A good laugh is always a good idea. Trade some jokes with your best buddy at work. Laughing releases endorphins. If you’re not too good with jokes, perhaps you can just watch a funny video!
We hope these effective tips will help you! If they’re not working, perhaps it’s more than just the lack of sleep that you should address. Get in touch with us at Sloan Natural Center and learn how you can improve your overall health naturally!