Natural Weight Loss
Our Weight Loss Program is now being conducted at Carla Brown Consulting at 905-655-8595
Why Our Program is Different Than The Rest:
Our Fat-Burning Weight Loss Method does just what it says! By allowing your body to burn its own excess fat while sparing loss of weight from muscle, you can be losing weight while you are awake as well as while you are asleep! This is the best, most effective and safest way to lose weight anywhere! Your weigh scale will go down much faster than you would have thought, even if you have not been successful on other programs! It’s easy to follow, convenient and busy working people love it! You lose serious weight, feel full, enjoy more energy and experience little or no cravings. It doesn’t get much better than that!
Why is it the best weight loss program available and how would I benefit?
Sloan Natural Health Center is no longer an authorized Ideal Protein Weight Loss Center because Dr. Sloan has moved his practise to online consultations only. All of our Ideal Protein patients have been referred to Carla Brown Consulting in North Oshawa. Call her office at: 905-655-8595 or email her at: Our Fat Burning Weight Loss Method is the best available for the following reasons
- You lose the fat and not the muscle
- You lose significant weight properly, quickly yet safely
- Your program is personally and medically monitored by a registered health practitioner
- An amazing maintenance plan to help you keep your weight off going forward
- One-on-one coaching, education and support
- Feel better than you have in years
- Sleep better and longer
- Designed and very ‘doable’ for busy people
- In most cases eliminates reflux and heartburn


For the very best fat-burning weight-loss program available, call or email Carla Brown at Carla Brown Consulting: