Anti-Aging Whitby
What Is Anti Aging ?
Perhaps you are feeling older or aging too quickly, yet hope to enjoy many more years of quality, energetic and active living. Ultimately, you are hoping to age ‘gracefully’.
Go beyond surface symptoms to target the ultimate causes of aging. At Sloan Natural Health Center you will find the revolutionary, Integrative Medical anti-aging system your body’s been waiting for. The incorporation of selected foods, detoxification programs for total body cleansing*, targeted nutraceuticals(concentrated nutritional extracts and substances), herbs and herbal extracts, homeopathic remedies, Bio-identical hormones(BHRT), custom thyroid hormone preparation, and strength-training exercises will help to create a radical transformation of your health from the inside out.
One of the greatest steps you can take to slow down the aging process and to revive your system while at the same time preventing disease is the detoxification and cleansing of the bodily organs, tissues and cells.
At Sloan Natural Health Center we believe in the time-honoured practise of this so important and valuable therapy. Many inflammatory disorders and degenerative diseases such as bowel disease, arthritis, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and cancer have their roots in a buildup of toxins in the body over time. We have many custom-designed protocols to achieve deep and effective cleansing.
What are the benefits of cleansing my body on the inside?
- A very powerful anti-aging strategy
- Assists the body’s channels of elimination to more efficiently remove the debris and impurities from toxins produced inside the body and taken in from our environment and food.
- This includes removing debris from the bowel (a sluggish bowel creates even more buildup), kidneys, liver, lymph, skin and blood
- Boosts the immune system allowing for a stronger defense against illness
- Helps you to lose weight
- Increases energy and vitality
- Improves digestion and bowel function
- Clearer thinking, improved mood and more.
- Today, not only do these benefits apply, but due to the fact that every year more and more environmental toxins are introduced into the homes we live in, the air we breathe, the soil we grow our food in, the water we drink, the prescriptions we seem to so happily consume (residents of Ontario alone have the dubious distinction of using more prescription and non-prescription drugs than any other people group in the world!) and the health-destroying lifestyle habits we practice, we need to detoxify or die!

Call or email us at
Sloan Natural Health Center
or 905-493-3553
We are most happy to answer your questions or book your appointment time.

Why doesn’t my doctor recommend this?
Internal Cleansing of the body has been practiced all over the world by many cultures through the ages and has been passed on down through the generations as being an integral part of keeping your body in good health and prevent anti aging Whitby. Although it has been essentially a household practice in Europe for centuries, strangely, the medical profession here in Canada and the United States has typically looked at cleansing as being unnecessary and a completely worthless venture. On the contrary, cleansing the body has always been paramount and in fact is more important today than ever before!
What is cost of this treatment?
Pricing costs vary from $40 to $300
or more depending on how much a patient
wants to do

Call or email us at Sloan Natural Health Center
or 905-493-3553
Kindly visit our health center to know more about anti aging in Pickering, Ajax or Whitby. Book your appointment today.