Testing & Screening Services
Digital Pulsewave Analysis & Bio-Impedance Analysis Whitby
What Is it?
At Sloan Natural Health Center, in order to bring you back to optimal health, it is important for Dr. Sloan to know as much as possible about the situations and conditions that his patients bring. In addition to a full case history, we may recommend for you any one or more of a number of ‘state of the art’ screening and testing tools at his disposal.
DPA - Digital Pulsewave Analysis
Using advanced state of the art digital pulsewave analysis Whitby, the condition and function of the arteries can be determined. In a quick, easy, non-invasive way, it can be assessed how elastic and pliable the arteries in general are, general blood flow and circulation analysis, and ascertaining if there may be clogging of arteries due to plaque buildup. Diabetics, menopausal women and anyone with heart disease or family history of cardiovascular or circulatory problems should be screened. Natural, drugless therapies can then be implemented to reverse arterial wall ‘stiffness’ and plaque buildup. This is truly a breakthrough in non-invasive diagnosis and reversal of cardiovascular disease.
Salivary Hormonal Analysis
When testing for hormone values there are two most well-known methods that can be used – blood tests and saliva testing. In many cases, saliva testing is preferred because the results from this type of testing shows the values of unbound or free hormone in your system. Blood tests typically show ‘bound’ hormone that is not going to get into the tissues or cells so it makes it more like guesswork to figure out your hormone balance. Saliva testing very clearly shows your hormonal balance/imbalance very clearly and is an accurate and dependable way to know where you stand and what needs to be done to bring you back into balance.
In order to know more about digital pulsewave analysis & saliva testing, call us today at 905-493-3553.

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Call or email us at
Sloan Natural Health Center whitby@sloannhc.com
or 905-493-3553
We are most happy to answer your questions or book your appointment time.

Book a consultation to see how our expertise can benefit you!
Call or email us at Sloan Natural Health Center
or 905-493-3553
We are most happy to help you out with any questions for testing and screening services at Pickering, Ajax or Whitby. Book your appointment today.