Myomin is an all-natural Chinese herbal formula designed to naturally support the reduction of estrogen production in men and women. Myomin‘s all natural formula includes herbs that may metabolize unhealthy estrogen levels and promote hormonal balance. It is commonly used for estrogen dominant disorders including PMS, cysts, fibroids and weight gain.
Myomin helps to block or inhibit the aromatase enzyme in the body. Aromatase, also called estrogen synthase, is an enzyme responsible for a key step in the biosynthesis of estrogen. If you block or reduce the production of aromatase, you reduce the production of estrogen. Myomin doesn’t technically reduce estrogen in the body, rather it indirectly supports healthy estrogen levels. Myomin works great for women with mild to moderately elevated levels of estrogen.
Aromatase inhibition is important in men as well. As men age, testosterone is more readily converted to estrogen. Higher than normal estrogen levels in men can lead to prostatitis, prostate cancer and gynecomastia (‘man-boobs’). Aromatase inhibitors like Myomin will help block the action of aromatase, thereby reducing estrogen levels.
Myomin can also increase interferon which activates natural killer cells, a major component of the immune system. This can be beneficial for women who suffer with uterine fibroids as well as men who have enlarged prostates.