UltraInflamX Plus 360


UltraInflamX Plus 360 is a medical anti-inflammatory food formulated to provide strategic macronutrient and micronutrient support for patients with compromised gut function resulting from inflammatory bowel conditions including ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease.


UltraInflamX Plus 360 offers strategic macronutrient and micronutrient support for those suffering with compromised gut function — this can result from conditions like Crohn’s disease and inflammatory bowel conditions including ulcerative colitis. This patented vegan formula comprised of pea and rice proteins addresses increased nutrient needs and potential deficiencies. UltraInflamX Plus 360 features CurQfen, a clinically-researched and proprietary curcumin blend that was designed for better bioavailability and more reliable clinical outcomes, with up to 45 times more free curcuminoids in human plasma compared to regular curcumin extract. UltraInflamX Plus 360 also features XNT ProMatrix, a proprietary protein matrix, to maximize the delivery of a high quality xanthohumol compound for better bioavailability and product stability.

Additional information

Weight 1.75 lbs
Dimensions 8.25 × 3.5 × 10.5 in

Our Hours

Dr. Sloan is now conducting all appointments online.

Email: whitby@sloannhc.com Phone: (905) 493-3553