What is Collagen? Collagen is the single most abundant protein in our bodies. It is Greek for ‘glue producer’ and is a complex protein with 19 different amino acids. It is found in animal meat and it is mostly avoided as scraps or waste. Collagen replaces dead skin cells and...
Hair Loss: What’s Causing It?
Hair loss is more common with men than in women. This can be attributed to male pattern baldness. However, that does not mean that women do not experience thinning hair or hair loss. It can happen to women too and what’s unfortunate is that when it happens to a woman,...
Product of the Month – Lily Hair Tonic
Hair tonic – you have probably heard of it from your dad or your grandfather. A few decades ago, hair tonic was considered the most popular hair product, especially for men. Back in the day, sleek “just-combed” look was trendy and hair tonic can deliver that. Hair tonic contains oil...