Teens and Nutrition

As kids grow, their bodies need certain nutrients to ensure that the systems are running optimally and their brains are developing the way they should. When they are younger, parents have the opportunity to ensure they are eating the right foods so they can grow up healthy and strong. As...

Cleansing and Body Purification

The premise of body detoxification has grown into a multi-million dollar industry within the last decade. This is because more and more people are getting concerned with the chemicals and other byproducts that are being put into their bodies on a daily basis. These elements can sometimes lead to severely...

5 Surprising Benefits of Regular Massage Therapy

We all know how good we feel after a massage, but did you know the other incredible benefits of regular massage therapy? Check it out, it may surprise you! Are you struggling with cancer, Alzheimer's, heart disease, or another serious illness? You may be feeling exhausted, emotional, and constantly in...

#1 The Ultimate Guide to Bioidentical Hormones (BHRT): What You Need to Know

Feeling tired and lethargic? Perhaps you keep gaining weight despite staying active and eating clean? Your hormones might be the culprit. Menopause, andropause, and certain diseases can mess up your hormones. Your energy drops, your sleep suffers, and your hair starts to thin out. Fatigue, weight gain, depression, and dry...

Our Hours

Dr. Sloan is now conducting all appointments online.

Email: whitby@sloannhc.com Phone: (905) 493-3553