3 Signs of Reflux Disorder (or GERD)

Of all the digestion-related issues and conditions that ail us, reflux disorder (or GERD) is one of the most peculiar, and most irritating. GERD is short-form for gastroesophageal reflux disease, and it refers to a digestive condition afflicting the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), a bundle of muscles that connects the...

Product of the Month: Myomin

Estrogen plays a big role in developing female sex characteristics. It is a vital hormone in childbearing and in keeping a woman's bone strength. Additionally, it also contributes to cell activity and helps determine how cells will function. Indeed, it is important to various growth processes during puberty and into...

6 Natural Allergy Solutions that Work and One That Actually Doesn’t

So you survived winter with no problem at all and you handled the cold weather really well (except perhaps for the occasional whining about the freezing temperatures). Now you get to finally be rewarded with amazing springtime weather – unless you belong to the 20% to 30% of Canadians who...

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Dr. Sloan is now conducting all appointments online.

Email: whitby@sloannhc.com Phone: (905) 493-3553