Most people want to be healthy. They want to live the best life that they can, and that means that they’ll look for ways to accomplish that goal. In a lot of cases, finding ways that are natural and don’t require putting chemicals in the body is the best route...
How Massage Therapy Can Help with Anxiety
Anxiety is among the most common of all mental health problems. Most people suffer from anxiety at some point in their lives. There are a number of options for treatment, from traditional medication to behavioral therapy. If you are looking for a more natural approach to managing your anxiety, consider...
Product of the Month: Myomin
Estrogen plays a big role in developing female sex characteristics. It is a vital hormone in childbearing and in keeping a woman's bone strength. Additionally, it also contributes to cell activity and helps determine how cells will function. Indeed, it is important to various growth processes during puberty and into...
6 Natural Allergy Solutions that Work and One That Actually Doesn’t
So you survived winter with no problem at all and you handled the cold weather really well (except perhaps for the occasional whining about the freezing temperatures). Now you get to finally be rewarded with amazing springtime weather – unless you belong to the 20% to 30% of Canadians who...
How Important is Maintaining Optimal Vitamin C Levels?
According to integrative health experts, deficiency in Vitamin C can increase the risk of various serious conditions that include cancer, diabetes, and heart disease, among others. A recent study sheds light on the connection between the levels of Vitamin C and one’s physical and mental health. Without a doubt, this...
Vitamin D and Its Benefits for Sunburn and Other Conditions
We all know that sunlight is an excellent source of vitamin D, and while that’s good, excessive exposure can cause sunburn which can be really painful. Ironically, a new study shows that high doses of Vitamin D can also ease sunburn – reducing redness and inflammation! What did the study...
Improve Your Health with Reflexology
Most people do not know that energy stagnation can cause diseases and other health complications. Unfortunately too, many of us do not watch our health until we start feeling pains and aches in our body. However, you do not have to wait for a symptom for you to start caring...
Natural Remedies for Hay Fever
Hay fever is no laughing matter. While some may say that it's not serious at all, it gets in the way of your daily activities. That’s why most people don’t hesitate to pop a pill at the first sign of hay fever. But instead of immediately reaching out for synthetic...
Soothe Your Anxiety with Natural Remedies
Every day, you are exposed to things that could upset you. You worry about family, health, work, money, and more. When things just pile up and you get anxious, you feel your heart beat so fast, you breathe rapidly, you start sweating, and your mind spins – imagining only the...