With the multitudes of options for healthy eating it can be overwhelming to decide which foods to eat and how to combine them. Fortunately, nature was designed with easy indicators of which foods are best. Most plant-based foods are conveniently categorized by colour, according to their benefits. By simply looking...
How to Resist Holiday Food Temptations
The holiday season is in full swing and we find ourselves constantly being tempted by decadent food. But there are several ways to minimize our consumption of sugary snacks. Below is a helpful guide for how to make good food choices during the holidays. Eat before the party. Having a...
How You Can Teach Your Kids to Eat Healthier
If you are a parent, grandparent, uncle or aunt, then you probably already know how difficult it is to get kids to eat healthy food. The toxic food environment that we have today does not help matters at all. Does that mean you should just give up? Not at all!...
Why Goji is Gaining Popularity in the Food Industry
With all the different kinds of food available to you at the super market or even the farmer’s market, you may not feel like you need to think much about what you put in that grocery basket. But that may also mean that you are missing out on some really...