Help for Post-Summer Weight Loss

Summer days have been fun and carefree while we enjoyed time with friends and family and indulged in tasty treats. Typically, it’s a time when we splurge on goodies such as ice cream and fast food. But now fall is upon us and it’s time to get back into our...

Natural Approaches to Managing Seasonal Allergies

It’s that time of year again – allergy season! A time when many struggle to relieve their symptoms of sneezing, running nose, itchy eyes and blocked sinuses. Most seasonal allergies are caused by pollens found in outdoor plants and they create a miserable reaction for those who are exposed, which...

Eating Healthy as You Age

Having a healthy diet can be beneficial in a variety of ways. It can keep your body functioning optimally and give you the energy you need to get through your day. As you age, your body’s needs change. Your diet should also change. Finding ways to be healthier is important...

Battling Age-Related Macular Degeneration with Foods and Nutrients

Bad news: More than 3 million more people will suffer from age-related macular degeneration in the next five years. Good news: The right diet can lower your risk.   Those who are aged 50 and above, vision loss may seem to be a normal occurrence and the culprit behind is...

Our Hours

Dr. Sloan is now conducting all appointments online.

Email: Phone: (905) 493-3553