Diet and Mental Health: Can What You Eat Affect Your Brain?

Your brain never catches a break. It's always on, always working to keep you alive and functioning the right way. Even when you're asleep, your brain works double time. And all of this work requires some kind of fuel, right? Food is that fuel. And just like with your car,...

Age Management Medicine (AMM): Background, Description, and Definition

The growing population of people aging (thanks to the millions of baby boomers and Generation X’ers following them) have somewhat altered what we used to know as “the golden years”. These generations have no intention of slowing down once they reach the age of 65! Of course, the field of...

Vitamin D and Its Benefits for Sunburn and Other Conditions

We all know that sunlight is an excellent source of vitamin D, and while that’s good, excessive exposure can cause sunburn which can be really painful. Ironically, a new study shows that high doses of Vitamin D can also ease sunburn – reducing redness and inflammation! What did the study...

Natural Ways to Fight Antibiotic Resistance

Prevention is the key to keeping a healthy immune system and avoiding flu and many other diseases. This is especially important with the increasing concern over a growing serious health threat which is antibiotic resistance. A recently published paper in the US showed that friendly microbes in the intestinal tracts...

How Turmeric Can Help You Avoid Hereditary Conditions

Are you worried about cancer, diabetes, or heart disease that runs in your family? Were you told by someone that you cannot avoid these illnesses because they are in your genes? Well, don’t believe it! While it has been believed for so long that your genes dictate your health; your...

How a Low Fibre Diet Can Cause Irreversible Damage to Gut Bacteria

For many years, humans have thrived on a diet that is made up of plant-based fibre and healthy amounts of protein and fats. However, due to fast-paced industrialization as well as the popularity of fast foods, our consumption of fibre has plummeted. A study from Stanford University School of Medicine...

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Dr. Sloan is now conducting all appointments online.

Email: Phone: (905) 493-3553