Have You Stayed on Track with Your Weight Loss Goals

Did you have weight loss on your to-do list this year? As the first month of the year comes to a close, you may find that you haven’t gotten as far along as you hoped. Here are three things you can start doing today to increase your overall health and wellness and shed those unwanted pounds.

1. Walk every day

Walking is one of the best exercises because almost everyone can walk and you can build up your exercise routine slowly depending on your level of physical fitness. Being outside can also give you a boost of Vitamin D and decrease your stress levels. It’s a fact; the less stressed we are, the easier it is to lose weight.

2. Ditch the sugar

Quitting sugar can be a challenge, so many foods have sugar hiding in them, but it is a great way to help shed pounds. We suggest starting slowly. Start with processed sugar. If you have sugar with your coffee, for example, try to go without it. Then move onto other meals until you have limited the amount of sugar in your diet. If you want something sweet, go for natural sugar sources instead. Why not try agave syrup,  xylitol or one of my faves debittered Stevia?

3. Eat more protein

Eating more protein can help you stay fuller longer and help keep the weight off. There are tons of vegan options for those who need to increase their protein intake. Some examples include Tofu, Lentils, and Chick Peas. The key is making sure that you are burning fat and not muscle and coming up with a diet plan that makes sense. It may be a challenge, but contact us if you would like some ideas or inspiration.

Though we all have the best intentions, sometimes we need help from the experts. Our natural weight loss program can help you do just that. We help you on your weight-loss journey and continue to support you with a maintenance plan so that you can stay motivated. We are also an Authorized Ideal Protein Weight Loss Center.

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