The Importance of Vitamin D and Omega 3 During Pregnancy

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential to your health, but your body can’t make them. Eating omega-3 rich foods is the only way you can get them. Our body needs them because they aid in cell membrane function, regulation of any inflammation, storage of energy, and transport of oxygen.


Additionally, omega-3 is important for the health and development of a growing baby in utero, especially for the baby’s eyes and his or her brain development. When a woman gives birth, she makes use of omega-3 fats in her body to make breast milk. Her body becomes even more depleted in omega-3 fatty acids with every subsequent pregnancy.


A published study showed the results of the evaluation of about 695 pregnant women who took either fish oil or olive oil supplements in their third trimester. The researchers then continued to follow the health of all the babies during their first five years.


The results showed that only 17% of the babies, whose mothers took fish oil, had developed asthma by the age of five, while 24% of the children whose mothers took olive oil did develop asthma.



If you are either pregnant or breastfeeding, it is likely that your body requires an additional supply of omega-3. At least 500 milligrams of omega-3 is the recommended dose for pregnant and lactating women, according to the American Dietetic Association and Dieticians of Canada.



Aside from omega-3 fats, vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy also lowered the number of children with asthma after birth. Studies show that mothers with low vitamin D levels who were supplemented when they were pregnant gave birth to children who had a lower risk of developing asthma by age 3.


Vitamin D may help make your airway and that of your unborn child’s healthier, which improves the symptoms and therefore decreases the risk of an asthma attack. A research that was published in 2010 also showed that already asthmatic children who also have low vitamin D levels are at a greater risk of severe asthma attacks.


A public campaign for health that is focused on raising awareness on the importance of high vitamin D levels for the health of women and children cites that 4,000 international units of vitamin D3 each day is the ideal amount to be taken by pregnant women.


Of course, what you and your child require may be slightly higher or lower. It is advisable that you get tested for your vitamin D levels, before, during, and after your pregnancy and while you are breastfeeding to make sure that you maintain a healthy level.


Optimizing vitamin D may be among the easiest ways to reduce your risk of complications during pregnancy. It may also reduce the risk of premature birth, and chronic health conditions in your child.


Make sure you optimize vitamin D and omega-3 intake while you are pregnant and breastfeeding as these two are important, especially for your child’s development and overall health. At Sloan Natural Health Center, we carry Professional grade Vitamin D and Omega 3 which provide superior absorption and quality yet are very cost effective. Please stop by today!

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